

  • 英国史得凯大学第一级荣誉机械工程学士
  • 曾在槟城跨国大公司担任工程师, 继而升为部门经理。
  • 主持Penang Feng Shui东方玄学20年。
  • 专长于玄空飞星风水学、易经、八字学、奇门遁甲, 紫微斗数, 姓名学及面相学。
  • 主持Penang Feng Shui 部落格。
  • 讲师和作者。
  • 风水学、易经和中国历史Youtuber。
  • 受邀担任澳大利亚风水顾问协会第八届国际风水在线峰会的演讲嘉宾。https://www.afsc.org.au/2021-online-summit/

Mr. Lee CH, a first class engineering degree holder was posting with his faculty dean, Prof. Dr. John of University of Strathclyde, U.K. in 1993.

  • 1993 B.Eng (Mech) 1st Class Hons University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K.
  • 1992 B.Eng (Mech) Dean List University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K.
  • 1991-1993 UK Overseas Scholarship.
  • 1991 Diploma Mech Eng UTM Sekudai, Johor.
  • 1981 -1987 Chung Ling High School, Penang.
In fact, I enjoy more if my clients tell me they have benefited from my consultation. It feels so good to see many of my clients have become my close friends eventually. Yes, we need money but money is not everything. You will receive more joy if your help to others is appreciated and you enjoy the respect. The respect that you have gained is not because of your money but because of the help that you offer to others.





李青和老师出身于槟城州。 双亲为小贩。 早年就读于钟灵中学时是学校里的活跃分子, 他更是学校里许多学会和童军活动的领袖人物。毕业后, 他成功进入柔佛工艺大学就读机械工程, 继而成功获得奖学金前往英国完成他的学业。李青和老师拥有英国一所知名大学机械工程一等荣誉学位,他是也院长名单学生。1993年毕业后,他放弃了继续升学的机会,回来马来西亚,于一家跨国企业开始了他的工程师生活。

他对东方玄学的兴趣也在他担任工程师时开始, 并对这门扑朔迷离的学问产生了浓厚的兴趣, 经过多年的研究学习, 他对东方玄学的兴趣可说是爱不释手, 并常希望从科学的角度来研究分析。由于他那对教育理想的执著, 他希望能与人分享这门学问, 因此他常受邀到许多跨国大公司或些非盈利组织主办他的玄学讲座会。他也是风水学、易经和中国历史Youtuber

李老师已经在马来西亚出版了几本书藉。您也可以在他的网站 www.penangfengshui.com 购买他的电子书形式的书籍。

李青和老师也常被邀请参加许多大企业的讲座, 以分享他的专业风水知识,并提供专业风水咨询(花旗银行,中国银行, 渣打银行,汇丰银行,大众银行,苏格兰皇家银行,兴业,英国保诚保险, 马星,DNP,实达,英特尔,本理科大学, 宏愿开放大学,BSGIOI房地产,富贵集团, Plenitude, 爱康, DHL 等); 并在吉隆坡城中城会议厅大众书局的大型展览会上发表演说, 他常为几千个观众演讲,他是槟城sPICE大型展览馆(以前被称为PISA)的常客。


李青和老师的东方玄学专长为玄空飞星风水学, 易经, 八字学, 姓名学及面相学。李青和老师也常通过他的部落格 http://penangfengshui.blogspot.com 发表他在东方玄学的研究.




您可以发现人类的傲慢和为所欲为使到我们的大自然开始出现严重的不平衡状态。现今,人们开始体会我们必须停下来看看和学习一些古老的知识,看看古人想告诉我们什么。这也是为什么古老研究例如瑜伽,气功,风水,周易, 孙子兵法等都变得越来越普遍。


我常说字是由日和月形成,象徵阴阳.整六千年前的伏羲氏, 当时人类并没有文字, 他们已知道世界上所有的东西都是由阴阳组成的, 后来科学家发现这世上的东西都有阴阳之分, 由最小的原子里的质子(proton)和负离子(electron)到最大的宇宙太阳系里的太阳和星球, 都有阴阳之分.人类就是因为有阴阳之分才能传宗接代, 不是吗?”


Master Lee Profile
Master Lee

Master Lee Cheng Hoe

  • Full time Professional Feng Shui, Bazi Reading, I-Ching and Chinese Name studies Consultant for approximate 20 years.
  • First Class Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University Strathclyde, United Kingdom.
  • Former engineer and manager of multinational companies MNC.
  • Oriental astrology blogger.
  • Oriental Astrologist and I-Ching books writer.
  • Specializes in Xuankong Feixing Fengshui, Book of Changes, Bazi Studies, Qimen Dunjia, Ziwei Doushu, Name Studies and Physiognomy.
  • Trainer and speaker.
  • Feng Shui, I-Ching and Chinese History YouTuber.
  • Master Lee has been invited as the guest speaker of the8th International Feng Shui Online Summit organized by the Association of Feng Shui Consultants in Australia. https://www.afsc.org.au/2021-online-summit/

Mr. Lee CH, a first class engineering degree holder was posting with his faculty dean, Prof. Dr. John of University of Strathclyde, U.K. in 1993.

  • 1993 B.Eng (Mech) 1st Class Hons University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K.
  • 1992 B.Eng (Mech) Dean List University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K.
  • 1991-1993 UK Overseas Scholarship.
  • 1991 Diploma Mech Eng UTM Sekudai, Johor.
  • 1981 -1987 Chung Ling High School, Penang.
In fact, I enjoy more if my clients told me they have benefited from my consultation. It feels so good to see many of my clients have become my close friends eventually. Yes, we need money but money is not everything. You will receive more joy if your help to others is appreciated and you enjoy the respect. The respect that you gain is not because of your money but because of the help that you offer to others.

Master Lee

About Master Lee

Master Lee: I’m an engineer by profession but in the past approximate 20 years, but I only focus on doing one thing i.e. whenever there is a chance I will go around to letting people know that Feng Shui is a Science and it is very logical.

He always make the complicated Feng Shui and I-Ching theories into an easier way to understand in a scientific way.

Master Lee Cheng Hoe was an engineer by profession, with a First Class Honours degree in Mechanical Engineering from an established university in the United Kingdom, University of Strathclyde with a scholarship and he was a Dean List Student. He used to be an engineer and manager with an MNC. Currently Master Lee is a full time I-Ching Flying Stars Feng Shui consultant as well as an active blogger, maintaining a blog that features a handful collection of Chinese astrology information. Master Lee is also well known as an author, speaker and trainer in oriental astrology. He is also a Feng Shui, I-Ching and Chinese History You tuber.

Master Lee is born into a family in Penang, Malaysia. Back in Chung Ling High School, he has demonstrated leadership capabilities in societies and Boy Scout activities. Later, he successfully furthered his studies in University Teachnology Malaysia. He was also awarded scholarship to pursue his degree in a university in UK and graduated with First Class honours degree from University of Strathclyde in 1993. Master Lee was given the opportunity to further his master program. However, he chose to come back to Malaysia.

Upon graduation, Master Lee has started his research in oriental astrology and he has been in the industry for more than 15 years. Master Lee has published a few books which are available in the form of e-book or physical form in the home page of www.penangfengshui.com. Master Lee is also a professional Feng Shui speaker, sharing his findings and provide consultation to many corporations in Malaysia and overseas e.g. Citi Gold, Bank of China, Standard Chartered Bank, UOB, Ambank, HSBC, Public Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, RHB, Prudential Assurance, Mah Sing, DnP, SP Setia, Intel, University Science Malaysia, Wawasan Open University, Elken, BSG, IOI Properties, Nirvana, Plenitude, AIA, AXA Affin, Popular Book Fair at KLCC Convention Hall etc. Being a professional trainer in Oriental Astrology, he has managed to train quite a number of students. He is also a regular figure in major newspapers such as The Star, New Straits Time and Chinese Newspaper etc.

Follow Master Lee’s blog and forum