A construction which similar to a waiting launching spaceship is the Hong Kong HSBC Bank Headquarter.

There are tank and cannon on the roof of the Hong Kong HSBC Bank Headquarter.

The building of the Bank of China is like 3 pointed blades.

Sir Ka-shing Li built his Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited Building a square and firm structure to resist the bad qi.
香港风水战, 看李嘉诚的长江集团大厦如何化解汇丰银行总部的坦克和大炮和中银大厦的刀刃.
Feng Shui War in Hong Kong.
See how did Sir Ka-shing Li build his Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited building to resist the bad qi caused by the tank and cannon of the HSBC Bank and the blade of the Bank of China.
如果你到香港, 你会发现在中环有几座建筑物很有趣. 建筑外形象刀剑一样的香港中银大厦在左侧, 中间那座四平八稳的建筑是李嘉诚的长江集团大厦, 右侧那座建筑是如同一艘等待起飞的宇宙飞船的香港汇丰银行总部.
你可有注意到香港汇丰银行总部的楼顶有坦克和大炮一样的建筑设计。香港汇丰银行楼顶的坦克和两门大炮是直指中银大厦. 汇丰银行如同一艘等待起飞的宇宙飞船, 后来中银大厦建成在香港引起轩然大波。中银大厦就象一根竹子,寓意中国银行节节攀升,雨后春笋有再生和希望的象征。其实中银大厦外形象一柄三棱尖刀,每条棱都是一个寒光四射的刀刃,向外辐射着杀气,指向汇丰银行,汇丰银行就在其楼顶架起了两门大炮,直对中银大厦,所谓“刀来炮往”,以破凶煞。
长江集团主要和关键商务为土行有关的土产业地產發展商, 以土产业起家。 在风水五行中, 方形的形状是土的元素。长江集团利用香港汇丰银行总部大炮和坦克的火来生本身的土, 并且使用它自己本身的土来生中国银行的金(刀子). 因此,长江集团作为二个战斗的竞争者的中间人或和事佬(火 > 土 > 金).
If you go to Hong Kong, you will discover that there are several very interesting buildings at the Central of Hong Kong中环. The building which architectural appearance resemble knife, the headquarter of the Bank of China building is at left side. The building at the middle is theCheung Kong (Holdings) Limited building. Its owner is the richest man in Hong Kong, Sir Ka-shing Li. The one at the right is a construction which similar to a waiting launching spaceship is the Hong Kong HSBC Bank Headquarter.
The three buildings have been completed in different time. The earliest construction is the Hong Kong HSBC Bank Headquarter. Followed by the Bank of China building, finally is the Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited Building.
You may have noticed that there are tank and cannon on the roof of the Hong Kong HSBC Bank Headquarter. The completion of the building of the Bank of China has started the feng shui war. The Bank of China building looks like a bamboo, implicating that the Bank of China is climbing successively; it is a symbol of growth and hope. Actually the building of the Bank of China building is like pointed knife, aims at the HSBC Bank. The HSBC Bank has to put up the two cannons pointing straight to the Bank of China.
How could the Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited building at the middle counter the bad qi from the two buildings? In order to avoid the bad qiSir Ka-shing Li decided to build a square and firm structure to resist the bad qi. Also, the whole building uses completely bulletproof glass.
Nevertheless, the Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited’s main and key business is the property industry which is an earth element industry. In term of the five elements, the square shape is earth element. It counters the fire from the cannon and tank of the HSBC Bank and uses its own earth to produce the knife (gold) of the Bank of China instead. Thus, it acts as the middle man in between the two fighting competitors (fire > earth > gold)

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