Feng Shui Consultation 风水实地考察服务

Please email Master Lee at masterlee@penangfengshui.com for the consultation fee details.
收费细节请发送电子邮件于李老师 masterlee@penangfengshui.com

Procedure for Residence Purposes Feng Shui Audit


You must include the following information in your consultation statement:

Please email Master Lee at masterlee@penangfengshui.com :-

  1. The completion year of the unit.
  2. Two copies of the layout floor plan in A4 size and pass the copies to Master Lee when he visits to your place. He has to draw on the plans during the audit. (You do not have to email him the layout plan now.)
  3. The address of the unit as well.
  4. Also, please let him have the owner’s date and time of birth (Gregorian “English” Calender) to match your bazi with the unit. The owner means the main bread winner of the family. If you rent the unit, then you are considered the owner in this case. Please email him the date and time of birth as soon as possible.
  5. Birthday and gender of the people who will occupy the house. For instance, your spouse kids and etc.
  6. Don’t forget to inform him your telephone no too.
  7. Do you read Chinese?
基本上, 对于房屋风水审计, 我需要您准备:
基本上, 对于房屋风水审计, 我需要您准备:
  1. 2份A4尺寸平面图的副本,并在我到访您时将这两份副本给我。审计期间我必须使用它。 (您现在不必给我发。)
  2. 告知我单位的完成年份。建筑完成年份很重要。7运是1984 – 2003年,8运是2004 – 2023年。一运为20年。请告诉我什么时候该建筑物的完工年份。如果你住在公寓,你可以与邻里或公寓的管理人员核实。
  3. 也请您提供您家的地址
  4. 此外,请让我知道屋主的出生日期和时间(阳历),以研究屋主的八字与房屋是否匹配。屋主指的是家庭的主要支撑。如果您租用该单位,那么在这种情况下您将被视为屋主。请尽快给我发屋主的生日期和时间。 (如果我之前为你做过八字报告,请在我到达时将报告给我。)
  5. 住宿在这房屋的人的生日和性别。例如,你的配偶,小孩等
  6. 别忘了通知我您的电话号码
  7. 您能明白中文吗?

Procedure for Business and Commercial Purposes Feng Shui Audit


You must include the following information in your consultation statement:
  1. 2 copies of the layout floor plan in A4 size and pass the copies to me when I visit to your place. I have to draw on the plans during the audit. (You do not have to email me the layout plan now.)
  2. Inform me the completion year of the unit. The year of completion for the building is important. Period 7 is 1984-2003 and period 8 is 2004 – 2023. One period is 20 years一运是20年. Please let me know when the year of completion for the building is. You may check with the neighbourhood or the management of the building if your office is at a building.
  3. Please let me have the address of the unit as well.
  4. Also, please let me have the business owner’s or the business person-in-charge’s date and time of birth (Gregorian “English” Calender) to match the bazi with the unit. (In this case, it is not the owner that owns the unit but the person who run the business. If you rent the unit, then you are considered the owner in this case.) (If I have done the bazi reading for you before, please kindly pass the report to me during my visit.) Please email me the date and time of birth as soon as possible.
  5. Don’t forget to inform me your telephone no too.
  6. Do you read Chinese?
对于办公楼,店铺和工厂风水审计, 我需要您准备:
  1. 2份A4尺寸平面图的副本,并在我到访您时将这两份副本给我。审计期间我必须使用它。 (您现在不必给我发。)
  2. 告知我单位的完成年份。建筑完成年份很重要。7运是1984 – 2003年,8运是2004 – 2023年。一运为20年。请告诉我什么时候该建筑物的完工年份。
  3. 也请您提供您的地址
  4. 此外,请让我知道老板或者管理这生意的有关主要人事的出生日期和时间(阳历),以研究老板或者管理这生意的有关主要人事的八字与办公楼是否匹配。请尽快给我发他们的的生日期和时间。 (如果我之前为他们做过八字报告,请在我到达时将报告给我。)
  5. 别忘了通知我您的电话号码
  6. 您能明白/阅读中文吗?






* 我的风水预约总是在工作日上午11点开始。我不会在周末或公众假期工作,除非是不可避免的。如果需要这样做,那么将会收取300令吉的附加费。非常感谢你的理解。

On Site Feng Shui Audit E-Form

Kindly fill in your information.


